Meet the team

ChangeRoom is a team of University of Waterloo engineering and math students on a mission to make shopping sustainable as easy as possible. Their background in technology, data and social entrepreneurship, stems from their experiences at startups and social enterprises including Perspect Analytics, Hearty Tails and Digitera Interactive.

Sam Minkov-Temis

Biz Dev + Tech

Raymond Wu

Tech Lead

Ayush Bhargava

Biz Dev + Tech


There are currently a lot of barriers to purchasing sustainable fashion

Harder for brands to scale

Often have smaller selection and release only a couple collections a year to put emphasis towards clothing quality and extended lifespan


Unlike fast fashion, which dominates malls, stores, and marketplaces, sustainable fashion is much more dispersed and not easy to find.

No universal definition to sustainability

Many brands frequently feign their credibility through “greenwashing.” The lack of transparency in fashion makes directing consumers to truly sustainable brands much harder.

Why Us

While we might not resemble the faces you expect behind a sustainability movement, our unique perspective allows us to elevate the ordinary customer looking to take the steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle. We believe that becoming a more sustainable shopper shouldn’t be restricted by income level, gender or race. Our experience in building unique user experiences combined with our knowledge of sustainable fashion learned from industry experts, make us the ideal candidates to make shopping sustainable as easy as possible.

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